We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

A Message From Avril Mills BEM

Well what a year this has been for us at The Dream Factory!  All our fundraisers and events had been postponed or cancelled due to Covid19, with an estimated loss of at least £80k plus.  With some of our team furloughed, or part time furloughed including myself it’s been very hard to keep the team momentum up.  But as always we have an amazing ethos, passion and commitment from The Dream Team with our fundraisers.  All our fundraising events including, including three golf days cancelled, and our  amazing Children’s Dream Factory Christmas Party cancelled,  its been a very tough year here at The Dream Factory.

But as I have always said before,  as one door shuts another opens,  and we will survive! But to do this we need your on going support throughout 2021 and some new supporters.

We hope to start of with our KIDS HELPING KIDS CAMPAIGN in January, and three further golf days, wing walking challenges, ladies lunches ,and other on line fundraisers we are definitely going to try to make 2021 a better year financially for us, and for the dream children.  Also we  have granted our 500th dream in December  and have over forty on a list that we would love to grant.  All  this depends on logistics finance and social distancing of course.

At the moment we feel like we are treading water at  The Dream Factory, I want to say Thank You to all our supporters, companies , Dream Families friends family volunteers for your support and love for the Dream Factory.

Please keep supporting us.

Look at our website to see the amazing work we do

Have a safe , healthy and Happy New  Year everyone
Love always

Avril mills BEM. 😘

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