We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

Phoebe’s Car Treasure Trail

Join our exciting Charity Car Treasure Trail with your friends and family and enjoy a fun day out with a chance to win one of our fabulous prizes.

First Prize

Apple iPad 10.2” 32gb

kindly donated by Hardsoft Ltd

Second Prize

 £200 meal voucher for Smith’s Restaurant, Ongar or Wapping

kindly donated by Amanda Galanopoulos

Third Prize

Silk floral display

kindly donated by Emma-Louise Bespoke Artificial Flowers

Fourth Prize

Bottle of Veuve Clicquot Champagne

kindly donated by Amanda Galanopoulo


A Mystery Prize for the best selfies on Instagram using the hashtag #dreamfactorytreasure2020

All prizes will be drawn by one of our fabulous patrons during the first week of September 2020. 

Visit 10 Essex countryside locations in a circular route that you can join at any point.

It’s family friendly and contains delightful places where you can stop for picnics and walks – so you can really make a day of it!

Enter each car for a minimum donation of £15.

The Treasure Trail runs from 1st to 31st August 2020.

Treasure Trail


After you complete the Treasure Trail, you can enter the prize draw simply by e-mailing the answer to .

Please include your name and contact details. (All data is stored confidentially and securely.)

Send us selfies at the same time and you may see yourself on our website or social media — all in support of The Dream Factory to raise money for more dreams.


A special dream for Phoebe

All proceeds will help to grant a dream of a  specialised disability bike for Phoebe, a child with cerebral palsy. 

Phoebe was born in February 2007, fifteen weeks premature.  She has cerebral palsy, autism and learning disabilities.

She is such a ray of sunshine and an absolute joy to be around. Her personality shines brighter than any star.

With your help, we hope to make Phoebe’s dream come true!

Download Competition Terms & Conditions here.

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