We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

Easter Egg Donation

Thank you to  Mike Ellis & Loughton Leisure Centre for donating  forty eight  Easter eggs and for   supporting The Dream Factory this year along with the other Essex Places Leisure Centres Avril then took  Easter Eggs to the families of Ukraine at the Epping Support Hub. Her contacts  who help at the hub are Louisa Thomas and  Melanie Whitten but Avril also met the  most amazingly   Tetiana Kurtyniuk who  recently arrived here with her mum,  Tetiana is volunteering  at the hub along with Louisa and Melanie.
‘I’m Kurtyniuk Tetiana from Ukraine, I am with my mom Olga, and I am a graduate in engineer-ecology, and now I am makeup artist. I stay here with English family in Epping. I am happy that I am here! And I am helping Mel Whitten in Epping Ukraine Hub’ TEAM WORK MAKES A DREAM WORK

Thank you

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