News Archive


West Essex Life Magazine – June Edition

Great article, great pictures, great all round support from everyone but massive Thank You to the main man Harry Redknapp for your on going support

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Meet out latest Ambassador

We are very pleased to announce that Reggie has become our latest Ambassador.  Reggie says:

“I’m Reggie and I’m 7 years old. My Mum and Dad have been supporting The Dream Factory since before I was born and my Dad has been fundraising by doing crazy marathons all over the world.

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Sailing down to success

Our team (including our Dream co-ordinator, Seema) raised over £1000 by abseiling down the Harlow Water Tower on Saturday 4th May. Well done to everyone.

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Thanks to Harry Redknapp

We are delighted to announce that our Harry Redknapp Charity Q&A evening made an amazing profit of £14,100. Thank you to Harry and everyone who supported this event.

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Support Seema’s sponsored abseil

Our Dream Co ordinator, Seema, is taking part in a sponsored Abseil at Harlow Water Tower on Saturday 4th May at 10.00 am.   Help her to raise money for The Dream Factory.

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Your help needed to make Dreams come true

As at March 2019 we have granted a total of 471 Dreams.  We have a further 20 Dreams in progress and 8 Dreams on the waiting list.  However, these numbers are constantly changing as we get dream requests every day. We need your help to make these Dreams come true.

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Fundraising with Haslers

Many thanks to Hasslers for arranging an excellent networking event to help our fundraising activities. Find out more about Haslers…

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