Ben Murphy, from Epping, lost five stone 12lbs in just eight months, raising thousands for the Dream Factory, which grants wishes for ill children.
The 29-year-old has gone from weighing 26 stone, to 20 stone and 2lbs, something which he believes is a major accomplishment. He said: “Exercise was always a dirty word to me and I would do all I could to avoid it prior to beginning this challenge. “There have been times when I thought about giving up but knowing what this money means to such an amazing charity kept me on track. I am so grateful to everyone who has been so generous in their giving. “It is absolutely my intention to continue to lose weight. The Dream Factory founder Avril Mills said: “We are very proud of all Ben has achieved. “The money Ben has raised will go directly towards granting more dreams for children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses. Our thanks go to everyone who has supported him.”