We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

Willow Wish Celebrations – Princesses

This #worldprincessweek I want to talk about my favourite part of my job. @thedreamfactoryuk!

WAY back in 2017, Chloe of @letitglowprincessevents asked me to come to a Christmas party for an amazing charity, and it became the highlight of every Christmas for the next few years.

The Dream Factory has granted over 570 dreams to children and young people with life-limiting or threatening conditions/disabilities, and we’ve been able to add some magic to a few of those dreams. Avril & Team are incredible, and I’m always so excited when I get to help! The work they do is wonderful, and I definitely think you should check them out, if you haven’t already.

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