We only have 8 more dreams to achieve this milestone.
To date we have granted a wonderful 492 Dreams.
We have many more dreams to grant but unfortunately some of them have to be put on hold until government guidelines allow us to continue.
However, with your help we can continue to grant safe dreams to children/young adults like Declan who was diagnosed with testicular cancer in November 2019. With the generosity of our supporters we were able to grant him his dream of an Apple Macbook Air. Have a look at online casino no deposit bonus free spins australia.
It would be amazing if we could reach our 500th Dream and bring some joy and put smiles on vulnerable children’s faces who might be still isolating or spending time in hospital away from family and friends.
If you would like to hold your own fundraising challenge or event with friends, family, work colleagues, school friends, your Football Team etc. then please get in touch with and we will help with all your ideas and support you along the way .