Liea’s Dream

Liea Perry is 23 years old and was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in April 2018.

Liea’s dream was to have a family fun weekend at the famous Loxwood Joust Festival and a Legoland visit with her partner and two young daughters.

Liea has waited patiently for her dream for over two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Liea had Chemotherapy, but due to disease progression she had Radiotherapy. Her last Radiotherapy ended in April 2020

Liea has really struggled with her mobility since treatment. She struggled with the side effects of treatment for example she has had a chesty cough for one and a half  years and has struggled with her lungs. She is also having blackouts and had swollen lymph nodes especially under her arms. This was very painful and restricted the movement in her arms. She was told that the nodes were crushing the nerves to her arms hence why she had poor movement and pain in her arms. Liea is using a wheelchair as and when required due to being very tired

Liea and her family enjoyed a fun filled weekend at The Loxwood Joust Festival.  The family then  stayed overnight in a hotel and visited Legoland. The Dream Factory also provided transport and spending money.

The Dream Factory would like to thank the Loxwood Joust festival for all their help with Liea’s dream


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