We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

Apple iPad Dream

The Dream Factory received a Dream Request for a 22-year-old girl diagnosed with Amolblastoma – a huge tumour that protrudes from her mouth. Sadly there is currently no further treatment available and she is currently receiving experimental treatment. She hardly leaves the house and struggles to speak.

This Dream was for a Apple iPad and accessories to help with communication and social interaction.

A Personal Message:

‘Thank you so much for the iPad, I’m so happy I can’t put it into words. This will help me a lot because sometimes I’m in too much pain to talk and I have to use the notes app to communicate with my mum, but she wears glasses, so the text is too small. I’m extremely happy… wow thank you.

Due to publicity restrictions no personal information can be shared by The Dream Factory

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