We grant dreams

for children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and/or with severe disabilities

bringing hope, creating memories

News Archive


Football tournament in aid of The Dream Factory

Thank you to Preston Recruitment for supporting The Dream Factory with your charity five a side football tournament.
With help from you we can make dreams come true

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Moss Golf Day July 2024

We are very privileged to have been chosen by Moss Electrical as their charity.  A fabulous day was had at their charity golf day held at The London Golf Club.  Thank you to Robert Moss, Stefan Kemp and everyone who helped and supported another great day.

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Haslers £250,000 Milestone

Haslers Chartered Accountants who are long standing supporters of The Dream Factory,  have reached the amazing  milestone of donating  £250,000 to charitable causes through their  Haslers Foundation .  The foundation which was created in 2008 has supported over 147 charities across London and Essex, and The Dream Factory are privileged and delighted to be one of these charities.  Congratulations to Haslers on this tremendous achievement.   We are so proud to be associated with you and thank you for your continued support.


Pink Tie Club Charity Golf Day

Our supporters The Pink Tie Club organised an amazing charity golf day at The London Club and a fabulous time was had by everyone.  The Pink Tie Club chose The Dream Factory has their charity of the year again this year.  Thank you so much to Danny Ray for your continued and valued support.  With help from you we make dreams come true.

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Volunteer for The Dream Factory Team

Join The Dream Factory Team  and become a Volunteer  Dream Maker or help to raise funds and help make more dreams come true.
The Dream Factory would not be able to grant over 690 dreams  without the help and support of our amazing  Fund Raisers and Dream Maker Volunteers

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Jacob’s Dream

The Dream Factory Team were very moved to receive the following message from Jacob who we recently  granted a dream for :

‘Just wanted to say thank you to an amazing charity, The Dream Factory.  At the time I had been given days to weeks to live whilst in ICU with Invasive Aspergillosis Neutropenia.  The videos gave me so much fight to survive and it paid off.  Two months later I’m still here and fighting harder than ever before.’

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Model Railway rides raise £1,150

A Massive thank you to Councillor and Mayor of Waltham Forest, Roy Berg,  and his amazing team of volunteers  for raising £1,150.

They donated every £2  from all the trips on the iconic Model Railway, run by The Chingford & District Model Engineering Club, at our Dream Factory Easter Egg Trail in Chingford.
  From everyone at The Dream Factory thank you so much


Beyond Proud of our Marathon Runners

Congratulations to both Mitchell Goldie and Ross Ritchie for completing The London Marathon 2024.  You both trained so hard and raised thousands for The Dream Factory. What an amazing day.  Thank you to everyone who supported both Mitchell and Ross and have helped more dreams come true


Our Sunny Easter Egg Trail

The sun was out for the Easter Egg Trail held in Chingford.  We are delighted that over £5,000 was raised for The Dream Factory. Guests included  our Patrons  Michael Watson MBE and Sir Iain Duncan Smith and the Waltham Forest Mayor.  Our Ambassadors,  Hope, Aiden, Our Sunny Easter Egg Trail

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Remy – Our New Ambassador

We are delighted to announce our new Ambassador Remy aged nine.  Remy was inspired to become an Ambassador for The Dream Factory after watching his sisters Cerys and Imogen, also Ambassadors, raise funds in their local community 

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Vicki Michelle MBE

Listen to our Patron Vicki Michelle talk about The Dream Factory

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New Trustee and Acting Treasurer

We at The Dream Factory are very proud and excited to announce, we have  a new Trustee and acting Treasurer,  who has a wealth of experience,  Mr Tom Burton:

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